The Skirmish at the Radio Site was a short skirmish at a small radio site where Irwin Wade was killed. It occurred shortly after D-day, during World War Two.
Just before Captain Miller and his squad arrived on the scene, three 82nd paratroopers were killed by German machinegun fire. Hearing the gunshots, a French farmer warned the American contingent of the noises, so they headed to investigate the scene.
After they spotted the bodies, Miller and Sergeant Mike Horvath assessed what they were up against and returned to the others.
Despite Mellish and Reiben objecting to it, stating that they were ignoring their mission, Miller wanted to press on and attack as he replied that their objective was to win the war.
After deciding who was going left, right, up the middle and distributing grenades, they launched their attack. Corporal Timothy E. Upham stayed back as ordered by Miller - he was not used to combat yet - so he viewed behind a dead cow from afar from a spare scope.
The Americans advanced on each flank, the base runners being equipped with several grenades. They had a fierce grenade battle, tossing them and then throwing them back. Two of the three Germans were killed, but one of them gunned down T-4 Medic Wade and was captured. Wade died of his wounds shortly after the battle and was overdosed on morphine out of mercy; despite the men trying to save him. The German soldier was allowed to run away blindfolded after digging graves for Wade and the three other paratroopers killed before the main skirmish.
This created huge tension between the group and nearly resulted in Sergeant Horvath shooting Private Reiben due to Reiben wanting to abandon the mission. The situation was only diffused after Captain Miller revealed his life before the war, surprising everyone and convincing Reiben that Miller was still a human, and actually cared about his soldiers.
The Americans won the skirmish and continued onwards after burying their dead.